Which Option to Choose for Teeth Whitening in El Centro

Teeth WhiteningWhen you have so many whitening choices, it can be hard to determine what your best teeth whitening in El Centro option is. With such products available like whitening strips, toothpaste, gels, and rinses from over-the-counter locations, it is tempting to pick a product that is not as effective as a professional teeth whitening. If you have healthy, strong teeth that could use a boost, visit our office for your best service for teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste is a great option for everyday use. It contains abrasives that work to gently scrub off surface stains from the teeth. A few even contain mild chemical agents that can slightly lighten one's teeth. Unfortunately, whitening toothpaste does not contain the most effective peroxide bleaching agents, so it is limited in how white it can make one's teeth. Whitening toothpaste is fine for an add-on to a whitening regimen, but it will not provide the patient with the results that one gets from teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening Strips or Gel

Strips and gels contain a small amount of peroxide bleaching agents that are applied with a brush or with a clear plastic strip that the patient wears over his or her teeth. Patients will notice small changes within a few days but can get the same results in a shorter period of time from a teeth whitening, which will also have the results last longer.

Teeth Whitening Mouthwashes and Rinses

Teeth whitening mouthwashes, like whitening toothpaste, are great for daily use, but will not make a huge difference in the color shade of the teeth in the long run. Whitening rinses and mouthwashes kill extra bacteria in your mouth while also providing patients with a whitening product, which is peroxide-based in most cases. The rinses will work gradually, but the results are minimal due to the short amount of time they are in contact with patients' teeth and the small amount of bleaching agents they contain.

Teeth Whitening in El Centro

Teeth whitening from Khorsand Dental Group will provide you with the fastest results that last the longest. We apply a whitening product directly to the patient's teeth that are stronger than any over-the-counter product the patient can buy. We often use the whitening product in conjunction with a heating light or laser that will speed up the whitening process. The patient will only need to visit for a short 30 minutes to an hour at the appointment to the get results. Patients will enjoy the dramatic whitening results one receives from the first visit, and will be able to notice a difference after each appointment following the initial visit. If you cannot make it to regular whitening appointments, we can also share some of our great at-home teeth whitening techniques for more convenient use.

If you want to whiten your teeth to improve your smile and make it look healthier, we guarantee you will get the best results from a professional teeth whitening. For more information about the whitening techniques we provide, make your appointment today.

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